Drama is an art form that explores human conflict and tension. It generally takes the form of a story presented to an audience through dialogue and action. The story is conveyed using the elements of the theatre: acting, costumes, props, scenery, lighting, music, and sound.
Our school has take to watch drama which is based on teenagers life. Students of grade 8,9 and 10 along with 5 teachers were taken as audience. We were taken to Shilpee Theatre situated at Battisputali on 9th May, 2019. The name of our drama was "Aandhiko Manoram Nritya". The duration time of drama was One and half hour. It was the drama based on daily struggles of adolescent.
This drama gave us the knowledge about teenagers. It was a live show. This drama showed how the teenagers are growing up with their friends in a bad company which may lead to wrong path. The problems continued when the students enter into adolescent where the mixed their feelings and mood swing ever once a while.This drama truely shows how students are involved in bad things because of peer pressure. This drama was literally related to all of the teenagers. They feel the pressure of studies and they started to do nonsense activites like smoking, taking drugs and falling in love. Nowadays, all the students are addicted to electronic gadgets instead of studying. As being a teenagers I got to know about various problems related to us.
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